Monday, April 11, 2016

Final Project Week 2

Day 19 (4/5/16)

After discussing our ideas further, and after talking to Jim, Sara and I came up with our revised and improved idea for our final project. We decided that we are going to measure the temperature of Jim's extremities by attaching a temperature sensor to his ankles. The temperature sensor will be connected to the arduino that will allow us to alert Jim of his temperature and his temperature change. We decided that we are going to use a servo motor with a rod attached at the end that will move to show Jim his temperature. When he is getting too hot the servo will move toward the hot mark and when he is getting too cold, the servo will move in the other direction. This way, Jim will know when he needs to make a change and take care of his extremities temperature.

Day 20 (4/8/16)

Today we pitched our idea to Jim. He liked our idea, but also mentioned a project that MIT is working on that sounds very similar and more advanced than our project. MIT's project doesn't, however, seemed to be focused on Jim's extremities, so I think Sara and I will just continue forward with our plan.

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